Best color s to paint dedicated listening room

I am going to paint my 12' X 21' listening room. Would welcome specific colors or color combinations to use.
Only objects in the room are two dark brown leather Corbusier chairs and natural hard rock maple equipment stand.

Thanks for the help.
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Paint it "Auric Illuminator Green"....just the edges of the room though. You will get sonic improvements to write home about. Make sure to put a carpet down too; all those dropping jaws can really mark up a hardwood floor finish.

I went with an earth tone: Ralph Lauren's "Desert Khaftan"
Very brown. It compliments the red claret acoustic panels on the walls and the red Tabriz rug on the floor. Very soothing combinations for music listening.
The timing of this thread is hilarious, because by coincidence my ex-girlfriend is in the process of painting my listening room while I'm away at work this week.

We've been talking about what I want to do to this room for some time. She has a good feel for what I like, so I let her pick the colors. Today, she just finished painting the south and north walls a light beige/gray. She's coming back tomorrow to do the east and west walls in a dark grey/olive.

She's helping pick out blinds, bedding, furniture and lighting as well. Hopefully by this weekend I'll have a brand new room all loaded up and ready for action.
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