Insurance claim for shipping damage for Fedex

What is your experience trying to get Fedex to pay insurance claims on shipping damage ?

The seller of speakers I purchased is having real administrative problems just trying to make an insurance claim they will recognize.
I have had good success with insurance claims with Fedex. Twice they have paid for damage, twice for situations where there was even no visible box damage but the item had clearly been dropped. But be aware that their criteria for packing is that the item is dropable from a given distance (e.g. 3 feet) without damage. You have a really good case if you can show abuse on their part. If the packing was bad to start, your chances are alot less. Just be sure to be courteous in your dealings, and hopefully things will work out for you.
I just successfully received a claim from Fedex this week. The keys in my opinion are:

1)ABOVE ALL, carefully inspect the package before you open it. Take photos of it before, ,and during unpacking. Take photos of the damage. If the driver is still there and you notice damage to the package - tell him to note it in his log. And you should make a note next to your signature.

2)Keep all of the packaging intact as much as possible. You'll need to show it to them.

3)Normally they only deal with the shipper. If you're the receiver you may want to manage the claim and will need the shipper to send you a letter of authorization to handle and receive the claim payment.

4) Fill out their forms clearly and completely. You'll need a bill of sale, and repair quotes documented. Follow up by phone to make sure they received them and they have everything they need (I had to re-fax some info twice). Be a pest, though polite

5) Evidence that the damage was caused by their improper handling needs to be compelling. Spell it out for them. That is, you need to be able to show it was packaged properly, and that there is evidence of mishandling.

6) A claims processor will call you and tell you to re-package the item in it's original package and they will have someone pick it up for inspection. Insist they send an inspector to your home so you can show them the damage. Explain it's fragile and expensive electronics. If you give it to them, you may not see it or your money again. UPS did this one time for an amp that had a bent corner on the face plate. The denied the claim and returned the amp to me with a matching bent corner on the other side.

Keep following up to find out what the status it.
Hear Hear Bdgregory. Good advise about documentation, documentation, documentation. Get them involved each step of the way. Be respectful (it's probably refreshing for them!)
Wtam try this link
Never had any problems with FedEx, but UPS was very difficult to work with. The unit they damaged was not paid for until six whole weeks after it arrived. FedEx has not damaged one of my packages yet, knock on wood!