condo owners, how do you appease the neighbors?

Hi everyone,
I just moved into a condo and the neighbor downstairs won't leave me alone. He keeps knocking on my door and asking me to turn down the music. I checked the volume level with my Radio Shack SPL meter, and found the average to be about 72db. Peaks at about 76db. Measured with pop music. For reference, my HVAC runs loud at about 65db. If I turn the music down a little, I can't hear it when the heat turns on. This is not as loud as I'm accustomed to listening, but it is far too loud for my neighbor, apparently. What have you other condo/apartment owners done?

He is likely hearing the lower frequencies. Do you use a subwoofer or have full range speakers that go low?? If so, consider monitors, ro headphones.

Of course a third and fourth option exist, as do others.... you could kill him and hope for a more understanding neighbor next, but wouldn't likely live there yourself anymore. You could move to a better soundproofed place as well...

My condo was pretty well made and had concrete walls, so my neighbors only complained when the sub was on for prolonged periods (music) they never seemed to be to bothered by it on movies.
Also see what noise laws are and cut it off at 10PM.Tell him you here loud TV's and if you had known there was paper thin walls you wouldn't have bought but you did.Ask him his schedule because if he's not around and you are you can play and be adccomodating.Other wise go to tell him ( and woners association) that YOUR rights are being trampled on.A woman in an apt. long ago called for sirt time must have looked me up in the book we never met) anmd asked if I could remove my shoes when I came in.She obviously had nobody abover here for year or might have had somebody who weighed 120 lbs not 220.I did it for a weeek and then thought "this is BS" (I was new guy she was oldest etnanat etcaccording to lanloard etc).Botttom line SHE got used to it.Girlfreind moved in more niose and no problem.She worked second shift to I could crank my muisc up then but even after when at home I really had to have TV loud for her to complain.At fisrt just listening level was enough top call.:atter it had to REALLY be to loud.Hope your neighbor will make accomodation other wise call cops ask about nmoise laws and if need ne your assosciation (maybe a lawyer if they seem to back this guy entirely-you have some rights after all)in which it meakes it seem like YOUR trying to be acccomdating where as this guy wants a monastary.But folks get used to ambient noise they thought they wouldn't is what I found.
P.S. Good headphones whjen you want to really go lod is a good idea but be careful of your hearing
I know your frustration! About 13 years ago I assembled a home theatre system in a 4 level condo/townehome. I lived on the third floor and the other couple on the 4th floor. They never told be to turn down my system but instead they chose to get even. Late at night they would stomp on the floors. Long story short they drove me out of my place. They were evil and I was no match for them. My advice is to make arrangements with your neighbours like I usually listen at this time and on these days.

Good Luck!*>)