Jayboard, you say, "I think that suggesting that something is beyond science is a trump card that should not be invoked too rapidly, and that doing so is not healthy for the development of our hobby." I am not suggesting it is beyond science, but I am saying that there are many often contradictory or conflicting principles and unclear areas where we cannot say what is the best design or circuit. Are choke and coil power supplies superior to solid state regulated supplies?
Please remember that we are dealing with a hobby not with our health with regard to the threat that people may be predisposed to like some things. And remember that those not wanting to hear a difference may not hear one also.
I personally would be uninfluenced by tests any more than I am by the comments of most reviewers. Even when I could afford very little and J. Gordon Holt was doing reviews that I very much respected, I still tried stuff for myself. I frequently receive emails asking whether I have compared two components and if so which I liked. If I have done the comparison, I will say what I think, but I hasten to say that my experiences may not apply. Perhaps I am the exception, but I suspect not. Most must try it for themselves or have those they trust try it and report.
Finally, I don't think such testing would "prove" that the CLC or the IC doesn't work. But I am certainly not saying that the CLC works. I haven't heard one. The IC, however, is used on every disc that I play. Again I have no idea why it works.
Please remember that we are dealing with a hobby not with our health with regard to the threat that people may be predisposed to like some things. And remember that those not wanting to hear a difference may not hear one also.
I personally would be uninfluenced by tests any more than I am by the comments of most reviewers. Even when I could afford very little and J. Gordon Holt was doing reviews that I very much respected, I still tried stuff for myself. I frequently receive emails asking whether I have compared two components and if so which I liked. If I have done the comparison, I will say what I think, but I hasten to say that my experiences may not apply. Perhaps I am the exception, but I suspect not. Most must try it for themselves or have those they trust try it and report.
Finally, I don't think such testing would "prove" that the CLC or the IC doesn't work. But I am certainly not saying that the CLC works. I haven't heard one. The IC, however, is used on every disc that I play. Again I have no idea why it works.