I'm done Really

I can't tell you how many times I've said that. I said it about six months ago when I bought a new amp. Well...I just bought another amp. The same one I had about a year and a half ago (the wife loves it when I do that). I love this hobby, but why must I constantly tweek & replace equipment?

Surely I'm not the only one.
Your not alone!But if it helps,,,im done for now too,,,,well i think i am,,maybe not!OK OK,,im done for now ,,,until i get more money!There,i said it ,,i feel better now,,i think!
If you really think you're done well..... let's just say you might be kidding yourself. One thought, do us all a favor and post your system on here with pics. The more the merrier!
We are programmed to seek perfection and satisfaction. Once we have it, we know something could be just a little better and off we go again. Why do we eat, we are hungry, then eat and are satisfied. In a short time, we are hungry again, not just for the food but the sense of satisfaction. It could be worse, just think if crack cocain was what gave you the same sense of satisfaction. Also, it is fun so enjoy.
Famous last words! I say I'm done all of the time. Still hasn't happened that way though. For some reason I feel a certain obligation to keep buying and trying and selling and tweaking. It seems to be an insatiable need for newer and better.
Had to sell my tube amps because I developed a terrible tube habit in search of the best sounding tube combo.
Now that I'm strictly solid state my habit went from tubes to speaker cables. On my 3rd set in the past couple of months and the 4th set just got shipped out to me yesterday. I'm also having a new pair of speakers built. What's next? Since I've basically turned my system over at least twice in the past 6 months, I think I can safely say now that I'm done...really! But probably not if I keep coming through audiogon 5 or 6 times a day!
Oh well. Like you...I love the hobby.
Have fun everybody and happy listening.