I have an amplifier that has a balanced output (XLR) going to a Single ended preamplifier using XLR-RCA adapter.
Is this acceptable, any sonic degradation that may arise? If ok what is a good adapter and where can I buy it..
Need your insights..thanks a lot..
First, in terms of signal flow, the output is coming from the preamp and is going to the input of the amplifier. Second, I assume the preamp is SE and the amp is balanced. Cardas, and others, make high-quality XLR-RCA and RCA-XLR adapters but you might be better off using one cable with an XLR on one end and an RCA on the other. Most cable companies make such.

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One thing you might consider. If you use adapters, use them at the XLR end. I've found that RCA jacks can be too closely spaced to allow the XLR adapters to fit.
