Jlambrick, Gmood1,
it is indeed correct to say that improvement in the digital & analog power supplies improves the sound. The less ripple there is in the power supplies & the better their ability to supply current helps in minimizing the perturbations to the electronics.
yet another effect that exacerbates jitter-like effects is the transport-DAC interconnect cable (when using separates). Most cables, I believe, are improperly terminated & result in reflections. This has some of the same effects as jitter - smearing the overall presentation.
the reason I said that I've not heard the sound of jitter is 'cuz poorly designed power supplies show up as nearly the same effects I stated above (music loses its snap, imaging not being precise, high freq being edgy/sharp/brittle) as the effects of jitter!
So, when one hears loss of low level details or poor imaging or sharp highs which effect is to be blamed? Excessive jitter or poor power supplies (or poor implentation) or improper interconnect length & terminations?
I have found it hard to separate the 2 issues, in general. I can probably zero-in for my particular CDP as I know which mods have/have not been done. However, when I audition a piece at a dealer or a show or at a friend's house I don't have such detailed info.
It's a toughfy for me as I find it hard to be conclusive: "this is excessive jitter!"