Audio Debt?

Are people going into medium or even long term debt to purchase their audio equipment?

Just curious.
I have some debt on my audio system, not much, but I think paying a reasonable intrest rate makes a lot more sense, and is a lot cheaper, than paying a cable T.V. bill. How many have cable hook up to their home theater system? The important thing is to use credit carefully and stay in budget. Avoid impulse buying at all costs. On the other hand if one would accumulate so much debt that one could not pay it back in a lifetime, that would be like getting stuff for free!!!!
gregadd, im sure you were joking but your description of a true audiophile soounds like people who are addicted to things like gambling & drugs.

anybody who blows the rent money on anything other than rent is a person who's priorities are out of whack.

i have no audio debt,never have & never will.
Couldn't agree with Gregadd more. I have not gone into debt but I have certainly taken some loses selling the odd component in order to upgrade to the next piece I can't seem to live without!
This is a tangential response--I don't go into debt, but have also learned to "buy well once" vs. riding the upgrade carousel. So, I've tended to buy above my target price point but have found much long-term satisfaction. So many a'gon ads feature gear for sale that is weeks or months old--I'd never be able to pull that off. My 'youngest' piece of gear is 2 yrs old (digital front end), but the next newest piece is 8 years old.