Hello Audiogoners, I could really use your advice...

I have some visitors from Europe that will be staying at my apartment for 1 week. They also have a 6 year old. Can anyone give me any advice on how I can tell them not to touch the stereo without offending? All I can envision are curious 6 year old fingers (i.e. dimples in tweeters, pushing ten buttons at a time, etc.)

Why would a reasonable person invite a child anywhere near his audio system....I had a friend bring his child over to my home for a visit and I met them at the door and wouldn't let them in.....The kid was known to be death on speakers.....
Some people think that the tweeters atop my B&W N803s are karaoke microphones and attempt to remove them to start singing. I have my 1911 .45 ACP for those and I prevent the removal of the "microphones" beforehand.....just kidding.

No really, the suggestion to put the components in closets or their original boxes and turn the speakers towards the wall is the best one.
Wifes friend has two boys, between 4 and 7 years old. They are rough, very hyper, and their mother's attitude is "let them grow on their own." Obviously, they are plants.
Example of roughness: they were playing soldier, the older one threw a "bomb" (plastic) at the younger one and then proceeded to kick the life out of him, (and I do mean really kick the life out of him) thus having "blown him up." Mom? Ha-ha, aren't they cute? Flipping idiot.
This mother actually gave me sh*t when I asked her to keep her boys out of the living room, saying "Why are the speakers so far away from the wall anyway, why are the cables off the floor where a kid can trip on them, blah, blah, a blur of mommy blah....."
Obviously, mom is more intelligent than I am, & I have irrational tendencies.
What did I do? There's now a lock on my living room door.
Knock, little wolves, but this piggy aint letting you in......
It all really comes down to that our society has lost it's grip on what a parental responsibility is. It turns out that involves more than buying Nike shoes and driveng them to Soccer practice. It seems as thought the word "no" is slowing being ommited from the english language. The phrase "respect for others and their belongings" is not far behind.