I love the ideal of synergy! It really was the single word that got me to read more about audio and investigate the properties of that. Still, I dont know. I do believe it is true that "complementary" is not the same as synergy as a complete enity. It is perhaps an element though, and perhaps as a result of synergy. To me- in my endless misunderstanding of everything, synergy is really about the strengths of the individual components in union to create a certain quality and capacity. In a sense, I suppose you would have to have the vision to see these qualities in order to create the relationships between components and the design that would best present them. It is not compensation, regardless, because synergy could result in very bad sonics, and does result even in careless hands and on many different levels. There are bones and flesh to this- a structure, and then there is you and your perception of it. Honestly, you could be very thoughtful and informed, could place components together that exulted each other strengths and produced this "sound"you have always dreamt about, and then you could change. An important element of synergy is lost when all the elements are not related anymore.