Just found this thread, as yesterday I first ran into the idea of a faraday cage. I have just ordered some more Stillpoints ERS sheets, but I think a larger difference was made when I covered my audio magic power conditioner and placette preamp entirely in aluminum foil, with serious results for each. I think they are just plastic boxes without any metallic barrier on the inside to protect the bare wires on the inside. In that case, shielded cables has only done half the job, becuase inside the components everything is basically open. These "treatments" really allow ambient details and the correct timber of musical notes to appear, which were previously obscured. My guess is that AL foil is reflecting more of the airborne rfi, while the ERS sheets are better served on the inside of components to absob RFI from everything attatched to the cicuit boards or also around cables. I'm still trying to discover where the ERS sheets work best though, just got them a week ago. I may cover all my equipment with foil soon though unless I can find some metal cages of various sizes.Should I also cover the bottom of the walls of my room with foil along where the power lines run?
Any thoughts or recent revelations out there?