what is the purpose of a stereo system ?

yes this is a philosophical question. i think it is the basis for many disagreements as to what is good sound and is a useful issue to discuss.

here are 6 categories for identifying the purpose of a stereo system:

1)as a window on the source--neutrality (truth)

2)to recreate the sound of music--musicality (beauty)

3)to statisfy one's sonic preferences--idiosyncratic

4)as a status symbol to impress other people--non sonic (psychological)

5)to create a salutary affect, such as lowering blood pressure, relaxation, stimulation etc.--non sonic (physiological)

6)as a catalyst to enhancing another activity--background

some of the disagreements as to component preferences or the sound of stereo systems may result from differing ideas as to what a stereo system should do.

a stereo system which puts one to sleep--a salutary affect may be considered poor quality when viewed as a conveyor of what's on a recording.

i hope this helps to view componets ind stereo systems ina different perspective.
Onhwy61, are you serious or being sarcastic? I don't think your system is catching the chicks, it has to be your magnetism & good looks.
Phd, now I have to ask, are you serious?

Actually, the original question deserves a good answer and mine system is designed to make me happy while I listen to music.

Only slightly less serious, I'm old enough to remember the days when Hefner stood in his smoking jacket with a buxom blonde on his arm and the reel to reel prominently displayed in the background. There was a time when hi-fi was sexy, but that was before we started obssessing about cables or whether to couple or decouple. I see it coming any day now, the latest audiophile craze will be tube based phono changer console systems. Teak or walnut?
Fun. To accomplish this, in order of importance: #3>>>>>#2>#1. Others (#4,#5,#6) are irrelevant (for me).
"some of the disagreements as to component preferences or the sound of stereo systems may result from differing ideas as to what a stereo system should do."

I think that there is a tremendous amount of truth in this statement. It's an interesting proposition for discussion.

I also think that the different combinations and permutations of the six categories you suggested, along with other categories that you may not have identified, is significant in accounting for differences from person to person.

FWIW, for me, #2 and #5 are most important.