What is My System Worth?

I'd like to sell off the system I've built up over the years that is just fantastic as far as I'm concerned, however I'm not sure what a reasonable price is. Can you help? It consists of: Martin Logan Sequel IIs, Sonic Fronters Line 1 pre-amp, Esoteric-Teac P500/D500 D-A and Transport, and Audio Research D115 (110w tube amp

Thanks, . . . John
I suggest you pay to use the Audiogon Blue Book.
It will give you the approximate range of costs of all of your equipment.
It costs $20 for 30 days.
Certainly well worth your time and money, IMHO.

Good Luck with selling your system, btw!
I agree with Kurt, and I will add that it isnt really proper to ask for info that others pay to have access to, the AGON bluebook is a great tool and is better than gambling on potential bad advice, unless your intention is to get back door offers by posting, in that case just maybe your plan worked.
To determine your market, you might try an auction with a reserve price or minimum price
Whatever someone will pay for it.

I'll start with an offer of $10....oops that is another site isn't it.
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