Anyone ever try ear candles for better listening?

This is no joke! Ear candles are a great way to clean the excess wax from your ears. My family all did it this past weekend and WOW, what a difference! I had to turn the volume down a bit. Anyone ever try them? Joe
I tried them once and agree with Dweller, the residue inside the candle came from the candle burning down not my ear I am sure...
Looks like a furry caterpillar that came outta Blblues68's ear, he had a twig to hang on !
Had to be relieving to get that sucker out.
Does anyone remember that NIGHT GALLERY episode [Rod Serling's post TWIGHTLIGHT ZONE series] in which an insect gets placed inside a guy's ear, and it has to eat through the brain, because it can't back up? It was called:

THE CATERPILLAR*. "A bored colonial on a Malaysian plantation finds himself the victim of a gruesome assassination plot he had planned for someone else."
I remember that very well, couldn't place it !

A Schwartzenegger flick had something similar (Running Man or Total Recall) ?