Should we upgrade high end fuses?

Have anyone try these fuses? since we put lots of money for better power cord, power line or power condition etc, but at the end power has to go through the stock fuse... Please share your experience. Thanks.
Timrhu those must be PF Flyers...

Where are people getting these replacement fuses? I would like to try them in my system.
Nate (Nrchy), two sources include Isoclean and Hifi-Tuning. Isoclean fuses are available direct from the distributor here.
In the interest of fairness, the third high end fuse source is Furutech at:
Rx8man - nothing illegal there, just the fact that IF your house burns down, your insurance company MIGHT refuse to pay the claim IF it finds out the bypassed fuse was to blame. But even then, you obvously have to have some kind of short-circuit failure to be any problem at all. No, I am not critisizing you at all. (but I would at least unplug the thing before going on a long vacation) ;)