Dakiom Devices

Does anyone have experences with the Dakiom devices? Sounds
like a very interesting tweak.
There is a couple threads in the archives ,,if you do an audiogon search they should come up.
Although you do not specify with which components you will be using the Dakiom devices, the short answer is "yes".
I, and so very many others, posted experience on the website user review section. Almost every price level has been helped, so well worth trying the Dakiom audio feedback devices.
If you let us know about your system then someone may have attached the Dakioms to your specific components.
Although the Audiogon ads read a bit on the intense, and argumentative side, Dr. Dao is a real innovator whose ideas actually work, no straining to hear the difference. So, his strong opinions are coming from a good place.
His separate proselytizing for better vibration control is his public service message, well worth heeding.
i tried the dakiom devices. iwas unimpresssed. it changed the spectral balance, by emphasizing treble relative to bass frequencies.
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Great points about different systems and listeners perceiving results differently.
There is a 30 day trial period, and if you are not favorably impressed then you send back for a refund of your money.