Thanks Eldartford.
As usual, I defer to you on the complexity of this device.
Re your humble opinion, if I am trying to stream bits out of a PC using WAV files and USB, you think the D/A converter inside the Behringer will hold its own against a Bel Canto/Benchmark/Lavry?
Now that might stir up some controversy around here.
Another interesting effect of this permutation - I therefore dont need to worry about paying up for the USB interface on the outboard DAC?
In the end, I would like the purest, least jittery, least "digital" signal coming from PC based WAV files, exported through USB (?) converted (I thought) through an audiophile DAC, and then have the option of tinkering and/or room correction with the Behringer.
From there, I would continue to use the pair of A500's as monoblocks for the time being, but consider an upgrade of the amps at some point in the future.
Thanks for your expert advice.