How can power cords make a difference?

I have read many threads about how "wonderful" this or that power cord made my system sound. For the life of me, how in the world can a 3 ft power cord make an improvement? Each manufacturer supplys a power cord.I can't imagine them puting something on thier unit that would not meet thier needs. After all, the power comes from the utility company into your house, you run a dedicated line to your equipment, you put a line conditioner/surge protector between your equipment and now you have clean consistant power then magically you have great music. What can 3 feet of $200 0r more power cord make a differance? Sounds like expensive VODO! Am I missing something?

I read your interesting thread on Power Conditioner to the Rescue and how you had very little prior sucess with power cords. This is probably because the Eclipse gave you a proper stable electrical supply and allowed your components to perform optimally.

IMHO, a Power Conditioner is much more likley to make a big difference than a power cord.
Power cords only make a difference if you spend $500 or more. Over $1k? Electric nirvana. Spending oodles of money on power cords increases your tympanic sensitivity and ability to hear (rationalize) electric wonders. This is a fact...

There ain't a power cord out there that can do what a good power conditioner can...a modest cord with a killer power conditioner will do it every time...

I have been deceived by the evil VODO god of power cords. My ears say that they make a huge difference in my system, but I know now that it has all been an illusion. Why does my system sound better with good power cords and cables? I am ashamed. But I am too far gone. There is no return. I have been drawn into the power cord abyss and yet I am happy. This shouldn't be. Why do power cords make me happy? Could it be that I am an audiophile? Is that why I keep returning to these Audiogon threads day after day?