Blindjim, Try the Herbie's Grungebuster 2 CD mat for the silly low price of $12.50, and be prepared for wonderful synergy with any other system helping tricks. (Even if you end up choosing somebody elses's footer ideas.)
There is a ninety day home trial period, and it shouldn't take more than a few days to be impressed with greater resolving of recording details (more reality) without any loss of your preferred warmth and sweetness.
Although it is not really the subject of your original question, it is just too easy to try for so little money. One can say it acts to isolate the spinning CD from effects of vibrating CD player mechanism.
There is a ninety day home trial period, and it shouldn't take more than a few days to be impressed with greater resolving of recording details (more reality) without any loss of your preferred warmth and sweetness.
Although it is not really the subject of your original question, it is just too easy to try for so little money. One can say it acts to isolate the spinning CD from effects of vibrating CD player mechanism.