Isolating the listening chair?

Lately I have tried using audio isolation devices on the feet of my listening chair, first trying Tip Toes, then carbon fibre cones, suspension couplers and composite materials. I would have to say that the differences in sound quality exceed those in using the same devices on my tube amp, preamp, CD, or record player. I am now experimenting with different materials to put in the chair cushions, sand, closed cell foam, natural lambs wool, etc. The initial results are quite promising. Has anyone else had experience with this in the context of a high-end system?
For what it's worth, reading this thread (and the responses) is about the most fun that I've ever had on AudioGon. Every once in a while something comes along which is not only fun, but a little bit like looking in the mirror as well!!
I listen on a suspended second floor, and rather enjoy a little buzz in the butt through my chair!
I agree with Zargon (and Bright Star, I think)that feeling the floor vibrations is kinda cool. But I question Brightstar's suggestion that cones (the original device mentioned in the thread,) are vibration isolation devices that would isolate the listener from the floor vibrations (I think that's what he's saying, but am not sure). Aren't they coupling devices that would transmit vibrations into the chair more effectively?
(To whatever extent this thread can be taken seriously).
Floors vibrating? Butts vibrating while sitting on vibrating floors caused by the neighbors below! Sounding like......they are LIKING IT!!! Where's THIS thread going?!? :-)