Myraj: As you can probably surmise, I'm no fool. I can spot a scam a mile away. But if you're saying that your process employs secret tecniques then that's good enough for me! No doubt, you probably gleaned your skills and expertise working in the intelligence field or computer industry with only the most exotic of materials. Sure, nothing you wrote speaks to that but, as I said before, I'm no fool - I can read between the lines.
I'm also intrigued because by mentioning the materials and processes that you DON'T use, then it only stands to reason (regardless if some sceptics may call it an unsubstantiated assumption) that you must use the most sophisticated of processes and equipment in synergy with old-fashioned know-how. Now I understand that said-same cynics might say that nothing in what you wrote should lead me to think this but hey, they're the same guys who couldn't appreciate the magical effects of tuning dots.
So how can I go wrong, what with you throwing in a test CD and all, right? I mean, from the (ahem) sound of things if I can't hear a difference then it's my own damn fault.
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