Where to buy MDF board?

Thinking about building a rack (as I have not been able to find any in the $500 range) and don't know where you can buy MDF board. Any suggestions would be appreciated as well as suggestions for any other kind of material, thanks, Richard
One suggestion was a Critical Mass rack from Rainwater audio...I searched the web and could not find a site. Can anyone help me with a way to a site (or any other rack suggestions) Thanks, Rspark
I think Mjw55 is thinking about partical board which has formaldyhide in it. But it is a good idea to use a filter when cutting any wood. Most people don't realize birch is poison.
Check out the Sanus Euro racks, i have a 4 shelfer and love it, strongest racks in their price range.($200. from Audio Advisor)

Here is the Critical Mass website.

Here is a review of them from Positive Feedback. They are nice but expensive.

I would search the archives here since many A'gon members have built their own racks and have shared their experiences.