PS Audio Noise Harvester


I just ordered a PS Audio Noise Harvester and I would like to know people's experince with the PS Audio Noise Harvester and the improvement in sound. Does it work also with a 220V system?


"The Noise Harvester is a plug-in module that can be placed on any AC receptacle (even 220 volt German types with the included adapter)."
Here's an interesting thread:

I bought three and I am stunned! I already use a P300 on my sources that I would never do without to clean their AC. I have a Richard Gray 600 to benefit the high usage gear (my two amps) I wasn't sure they would help much. I plugged all three into the outlet my gear uses which is the closest one to my breaker panel. They didn't blink much until I started turning on my gear. As I turned on each piece the harvesters blinked more rapidly. It does say on their site that gear adds noise back into the line. Well, I put on my three favorite reference recordings and proceeded to be awed.......The little annoying silibance in vocals-gone! HF had a much more relaxed sound and was more present and easier to hear. The bass character improved greatly. I have heard other things increase and decrease LF output like power cords and so on but the quality of my bass got so much better and more detailed. Small improvement in image and just a much smoother overall presentation. A little more dynamic as well heard mostly in "bass control".... Me very happy.


Grado/Rabco/Thorens 125/YSAudio Concerto Plus/Tele 12AX7's
Trivista SACD
Placette Passive
CJ MF 2100
CJ MF 2500
3 speaker choices