PS Audio Noise Harvester


I just ordered a PS Audio Noise Harvester and I would like to know people's experince with the PS Audio Noise Harvester and the improvement in sound. Does it work also with a 220V system?


I bought three and I am stunned! I already use a P300 on my sources that I would never do without to clean their AC. I have a Richard Gray 600 to benefit the high usage gear (my two amps) I wasn't sure they would help much. I plugged all three into the outlet my gear uses which is the closest one to my breaker panel. They didn't blink much until I started turning on my gear. As I turned on each piece the harvesters blinked more rapidly. It does say on their site that gear adds noise back into the line. Well, I put on my three favorite reference recordings and proceeded to be awed.......The little annoying silibance in vocals-gone! HF had a much more relaxed sound and was more present and easier to hear. The bass character improved greatly. I have heard other things increase and decrease LF output like power cords and so on but the quality of my bass got so much better and more detailed. Small improvement in image and just a much smoother overall presentation. A little more dynamic as well heard mostly in "bass control".... Me very happy.


Grado/Rabco/Thorens 125/YSAudio Concerto Plus/Tele 12AX7's
Trivista SACD
Placette Passive
CJ MF 2100
CJ MF 2500
3 speaker choices
Electroid ( and others ): If you go back in the archives, you'll find that i make mention of this type of occurance more than a few times. This is why i've talked about using a VERY LARGE isolation transformer ( with tweaks ) to feed the entire system and individual isolation transformers ( with tweaks ) at component level.

The primary iso gets rid of most of the crapola coming in on the mains. The individual iso's catch what has "leaked into" the AC feed between the primary iso and the outlets. As most of us know, the wiring within the house can and does act as a long wire antenna for both EMI and RFI, so the individual iso's help to act as a secondary filter in this respect.

On top of that, the individual iso's also keep the "internally generated garbage" of one component from being pumped back into other components via their common AC feed. That's because each component is now electrically isolated via the isolation tranformer.

Iso's work going both ways. That is, they not only keep the garbage from getting into the component, but also help to minimize the amount of garbage generated within that component from finding its' way back into the AC lines to contaminate other gear. The end result of such an approach is that you have cleaner AC coming in for all of the gear with a drastic reduction of cross-contaminated AC at component level. Sean
I'm an iso fan but didn't realize how much gear piece #1 was affecting all the others and so on until now with the recent harvester tests. I have big CJ power amps that would need fairly hefty ISO's. Getting one for my P-300 which feeds my sources and passive pre (control aspect) and then one for each power amp would be nice. I would need three total. What tweaks are you doing to them? It would cost a good bit, have you tried harvesters vs ISO's or with ISO's? Do you like the double philosphy in that if you draw X current get an ISO that is rated at 2X? Thanks in advance! Nice post. And yes most of my noise is coming from my gear, it is not already in my line!