Is it time to see a shrink?

Recently,I bought a used Krell CDP KAV 280 in SILVER. It is in excellent condition except for two little marks on the side. IT sounds wonderful to my ears BUT I am irriated most of the time looking at its silver color from certain angles and most of all it does not look good with the BLACK Krell(s) I owned. I know I hate those "grey" old Krell look and silver could be beautiful but I still have problem to love the SILVER so I decide to sell it to buy a SACD Standard in BLACK even though I don't listen to SACD often. Does any one have the same issue ?
The longer I have the 400Xi the more I love it.Instead " the old man and the sea" It's "MOI", "the old man and the Krell".
Mrtennis...Back in 8/9/06 you remarked how music heard on a table radio can be as moving as music on a superb audio system. The mind fills in what's missing. Very true.

This effect is most evident in movies. Some passionate love scenes in old movies, where they kept their clothes on until the slow fade, are much stronger than those in newer movies where nothing is held back.