She's on to me

I got home from work today and my wife said "do we have new speakers or something?" "What do you mean?", I say. "Well, the stereo has been on all day and you don't usually leave it on, unless there's a reason." "No we don't have new speakers! Do they look new? I just forgot to turn it off before I left for work". However, I said nothing about the pre-amp I just bought or the cables that I was burning in. ; )

She's getting smart.
I guess I am lucky that my wife accepts my hobby, and trusts that I will not put us in any financial harm acquiring gear. I always speak with her prior to making a purchase and usually am trading off new gear with some items I have sold so the financial impact is not great, if any at all. I recenty sold some items and picked up a Cary SLP-2002 pre, and last evening she said "Ok, I have to admit that the stereo sounds better with that new thing you bought". I would much rather it this way than worrying if she will notice that something has changed, and worse having to lie about it.
What happened to the TAD 150?
Love your humor Ecruz, isn't this the situation for most of us.... :-)
Hope all is well,
My wife knows about everything I buy, I think it is only fair as I don't want her buying Blahniks or whatever the hell those outrageously priced shoes are behind my back and not telling for thought there...besides, usually you can make her happy too if she has any interest at all in music. I went the Squeezebox route and set them up around the house on our wireless network, loaded her music on the server, and programmed a harmony universal remote to control all the gear around the house, she is quite excited as she can have her music in any room and doesn't have to go through the ritual of turning everything on.