The WORST Components for Rock and Pop Music

Like many of you, I enjoy a wide variety of music.

Although there have been a few threads on topics like: "what speakers can really ROCK" etc, I have not found them to be very useful, as many of the recommendations would not suit my other preferences in music.

So here is an interesting and hopefully thought provoking way to look at this dilemma from a different perspective:

What components or systems, have you owned and loved, UNTIL you tried to play your favorite rock and roll or pop music?

What audiophile components would you recommend for everything BUT rock and pop?

For me, this brings back a memory of the CES show, circa 2004 when I was really excited to hear a gigantic pair of Sound Lab speakers.

They probably would have sent shivers down my spine with Patricia Barber, but with Jim Morrison and the Doors playing Peace Frog, I stood up and left the room.

Thanks for any thoughts or ideas.
Some old rock cd's sound best when played back on boom boxes, A remaster of some of these older cd's does help sometimes.

Sometimes the album (vinyl) sounds wonderful, god only knows what happened in the cd transfer?

I still own my old VMPS Supertower/R' of the best rock speakers ever, IMO...however, they will not take a cd with a bass freq response of 100hz at best, and a screechy hi-end and turn it into something it's not.

I have read that some "members systems" can do this, I have never listened to a system that can do this with my own ears however....short of my boombox..... which sounds pretty much the same with all music. (I think it's the pair of 4" speakers and the mega-bass button :D) that converts these over?>

As far as the "Doors" cd's...most are recorded fairly well IMO, and should sound (at least good) on any speaker system. If they don't...somethings wrong somewhere.

Eminent Technology LFT-8s. These were exceptional with Patricia Barber and the like but when I put Kula Shaker in the cdp I knew they had to go.
Beuhorns probably the leader in the list above.
Vandy's except 1c (not worst but close to)
Classe, Cary and Unison Unico for amplification.
Whatever is suitable for one type of music and not suitable for another type of music isn't considered BEST equipment overall.
Greetings, I personally run Klipsch laScalas and find their rendering of ROCK to be outstanding. Their super high sensitivity and ability to play extremely loud are just a couple of their superior attributes.

That said, I really don't agree with your initial premise. I believe the following to be true:

1. That a truely outstanding full spectrum set-up will sound excellent with all kinds of music.
2. That certain types of music are more able to bring out the weaknesses and strength of any given system.

So, I guess what I'm trying to say, is that the issue shouldn't be what type of music sounds the best with certain components, but rather, what are the actual strengths and weaknesses of those components.

Happy listening...