Power Conditioner Suggestions

I'm coming off of a Monster 3500 Mk II unit and need a nice step up...$1k to $1400 used range. Thinking about Blue Circle, Richard Gray, PS Audio, Shunyata...etc. It seems that there isn't many head to head comparisons out their. Has anyone done direct comparisons? While I'd love to include Audience or Walker or Thor in this discussion, I can't reach that far!?!

Thanks for your thoughts
Chadlesko, I have had Richard Grey and Shunyata power conditioners in my system at different times and believe that Running Springs Audio's Jaco line conditioner was superior to both of them. I wrote a review of the Jaco here on the GON that you might find interesting/informative. Running Springs Audio makes other models in your price range, that offer the same level of sonic performance, just less outlets and total power ability.
BPT. I had a signature 3.5 plus and it made the others here mentioned mincemeat, although I haven't heard the RSA it's supposed to be pretty good and a good value. I'd be cautious on some of the others as they can do more harm than good on balance, but then again having Monster you know that!
Thanks for your opinions guys. I haven't heard of RSA and will definitely look into them. As for BPT, this is the second recommendation and will start to investigate. All other opinions are welcome...
I really enjoy my Shunyata for my audio, (Hydra 6 for my front end components and a Hydra 2 for my amps) and Richard Gray for my HDTV and Tivo.