What current China import sounds like a CJ??

Does anyone have any experience with the inexpensive China imports, integrated or stereo amps that have a CJ type sound. Looking to put together a second system and liked the old CJ11A and CJ14 combo but even at used prices you can buy the Chinese stuff for less money. Any ideas??
Back to the thread at hand. I have not heard anyhting tube or solid state that is produced in China, that even remotely comes close to Conrad Johnson gear. While I have not heard every piece from China, what I have heard should cause no alarm to Conrad Johnson at this point in time. Although this could change at a moments notice, should the Chinese decide to attack the Conrad Johnson gear and make clones of it. Remember the words of PT Barnum(Nobody ever went broke by underestimating the intelligence or taste of the American public.)
Although some attribute that quote to PT Barnum, it was actually first spoken by Henry Louis Mencken. He was an essayist, newspaper editor, and author.

Thought you'd be interested.
Thanks for the update Audiofeil, my reference was P.T. Barnum. Have to update the file.
Who supports most Chinese equipment today, tomorrow, or 35 years from now like Conrad Johnson or Audio Research ? In addition, there is a reason why Asia remains a large portion of the CJ and ARC's market. Sound (priority one) and rock solid support (a very close second).

Politics does matter including the reality of the political stability of the country, the financial stability of companies in the rush to the bottom environment of Chinese manufacturing, dramatic pollution exceeding any other place on the planet that is forcing companies to leave one part of the country, effectively irreversibly polluted, and move on to another place to start the process again. That fast paced industrial build up needed to support billions of people and a government seeking #1 status is rapidly producing long term negative consequences that Business Week, Wall Street Journal and others regularly comment on. Your wallet is probably the strongest political statement you make on a daily basis and how you want the world to look in the future. ISO 9000 quality standards and others supporting sustainable development can make China a great place for manufacturing and sustainability of the products you buy and the country in which they are made. But unfortunately, at least, the current environment in China is too often not looking past today or even yesterday.
Isn't GATT the reason we are operating at such an enormous trade deficit? Our laws used to make this kind of competition impossible but we did this to ourselves. Little political gestures like Ferrari's stand against Asian products are symbolically important but all of the high end audio sold in the next century wouldn't approach what Wal Mart brings in this week.