I also am extremely fond of the tubes from Germany, Holland, and England. A lot of my reference tubes (6922 and 12AU7) are these varieties. That being said, don't discount the American tubes, which more than a few people seem to do.
The Shuguang Triple Mica 12AX7 beat my 1960s Mullard Blackburn 12AX7. And, though it wasn't night and day, it was decisive.
My favorite of these tubes, however, is the Sylvania Triple Mica 5751. The Grey and Black Plates definitely exhibit different flavors - what works for you only you can decide. The Greys are a bit more smooth and lush, while the Blacks are more incisive and detailed. In my system, for my taste, nothing has yet beaten the Black Plates.
My feelings agree a lot with what is put forth at Joe's Tube Lore.
The Triple Mica of the new Shuguangs make me think they've targeted the famous American 5751s of the 1950s. Haven't really seen another 12AX7 with 3 micas.
In a 12AX7 tube shootout at my home - with too many audiophiles to really be able to say things with 100% certainty, the Shuguangs placed in the top three, along with the Telefunken Ribbed Plate 12AX7 and the Sylvania Triple Mica Black Plate 5751. Most agreed with me regarding the Sylvanias - they came in as the winner. The other two kind of had the camp split.
There were some good tubes included that didn't earn top honors - the Telefunken Smooth Plate 12AX7, Mullard Blackburn 12AX7, JJ 12AX7, and Ei 12AX7. Would have been nice to also include the Sylvania Greys, GE 5 Star 5751, Raytheon 5751, as well as some others, but the list of tubes was growing too large already.
The Shuguang Triple Mica 12AX7 beat my 1960s Mullard Blackburn 12AX7. And, though it wasn't night and day, it was decisive.
My favorite of these tubes, however, is the Sylvania Triple Mica 5751. The Grey and Black Plates definitely exhibit different flavors - what works for you only you can decide. The Greys are a bit more smooth and lush, while the Blacks are more incisive and detailed. In my system, for my taste, nothing has yet beaten the Black Plates.
My feelings agree a lot with what is put forth at Joe's Tube Lore.
The Triple Mica of the new Shuguangs make me think they've targeted the famous American 5751s of the 1950s. Haven't really seen another 12AX7 with 3 micas.
In a 12AX7 tube shootout at my home - with too many audiophiles to really be able to say things with 100% certainty, the Shuguangs placed in the top three, along with the Telefunken Ribbed Plate 12AX7 and the Sylvania Triple Mica Black Plate 5751. Most agreed with me regarding the Sylvanias - they came in as the winner. The other two kind of had the camp split.
There were some good tubes included that didn't earn top honors - the Telefunken Smooth Plate 12AX7, Mullard Blackburn 12AX7, JJ 12AX7, and Ei 12AX7. Would have been nice to also include the Sylvania Greys, GE 5 Star 5751, Raytheon 5751, as well as some others, but the list of tubes was growing too large already.