"What's Your Best Price?"

Maybe it's just coincidence, but I have experienced an increasing number of buyers lately whose only question is "what's your best price?" in response to an "OBO" listing. Should such moronic inquiries simply be ignored -- or is there an appropriate/productive response?
Baka1969, you are right, up to a point. It IS just business.

Tvad, I think this may be that if MSRP was $1200 and it is listed at $800 and you get it for $500 that is a much better deal than it being listed at $500 and paying "full price" for it. $500 is not always $500.
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Tvad wrote;

I don't believe replying with, "What's your best offer?" is a smart a** response.

I agree. I was thinking more like someone else's response here that went like;

" just pick your favorite number and keep adding zeros till I tell you to stop"!
The Buyer knows what is "true" for him/her, and likewise the Seller. I think what baka1969 and a few others are saying is that whatever it takes to make the deal go through is what it takes, and the "truth" which gets both sides there is what it is. I should keep that in mind myself.
My "best price" is the most I can get.

But circumstances change.There are a lot of Americans who would gladly sell their house today for 20% less than a number they would have laughed at 4 years ago.