Greek Audiophile - Documentary Video

I just thought some of you may get a kick out of this, as well as possibly some inspiration : )

I'm not sure if this is allowed under audiogon's policies, but I'm sure the moderators will let me know.
Excellent documentary and with very fine video work. I enjoyed it immensely, and at two levels, the first being the outrageousness and neurotic nature of the hobbyist contrasted against the true lover of music. The latter bringing the sanity to why we do what we do in my mind and maybe validate our madness just a bit to the outsider. I hope. Interesting though, how a guy with a 100K in his system and a mighty fine TT at that, doesn't even know how to read simple directions on the proper use of a Zerostat gun. With all due respect, again it reveals the juxtaposition.
Happy Listening!
R_f_sayles, I'll bet it's more likely that he's familiar with the instructions, but after 50 or so hours of experimentation he feels he has discovered a better way to utilize it. In the thinking of an obsessive audiophile one cannot spend enough time trying to improve upon tweaks which others have already spent countless hours developing!
my favorite part was the guy that states that "electricity is 50% of the sound"...then goes on to say that the rack is "30%" of the sound.

I guess that just leaves 20% for all the other variables.

not to mention his utter lack of a sense of humor...

yes I can play it during an earthquake


I'd be willing to bet that this video would turn most people off to the idea of "high end audio"...if not for the prices that were mentioned...the people would do a good enough job.
Ellery, I concur. If only we knew how WE look to others with our audio inanities! However, I must chastise you for not knowing immediately the brand of your monitor stands described in your system! "Ummmmm" is NOT good enough! We cannot impress the non-audiophile world with generalizations! We must be able to trot out phrases like, "My stands are compeletly inert!" Actually, I love how into it they get, spewing all their technical audiobabble. How excited would we be over someone gushing about the intricacies of dolls or baking, or computer building, or hunting, (actually, I once heard a live talk about Turkey Hunting and it was so well done that for a moment I actually thought about taking it up, until I thought about the cost, the time, etc. How out of touch with reality ARE those hunters anyway!?) etc.? What the video does show is passion, and that passion for music may lure some unsuspecting folk into trying it. Then, they are doomed!