Lateguestsnomore, good tip on IKEA, and nice setup you have there.
Don_s, perfectplank may be my best bet yet.
Here is what I'm thinking of doing, and perhaps you'all can tell me if I'm wasting my time and money. I'm a big fan of isolation bearings, and have always wanted to put my speakers on bearings. I have been told by a reputable source that this makes a huge improvement on the overall musical presentation. Only problem is, I'm on carpet over cement slab. Bearings and carpet don't mix obviously. So I need a base or platform. Was thinking granite or marble, but floor is not perfectly level where speakers sit, so would have to be shimmed, which can be done. But I was thinking a butcher block platform with leveling spikes to concrete would provide a nice level and stable base for bearings and speakers. Perfectplank has precut 24"x12" planks in various thickness, which would be a very good fit for my VR-4's. They also custom cut mahogany planks.
Check out my system and give me some opinions please...