If you had to pay full retail, would you...???

I recently got the Music Direct catalog in the mail. Lots of cool gear, interesting tweaks, awesome LPs. Looking over the catalog several times, I said to myself, "man, there are a lot of expensive tweaks which the un-initiated must think is simply crazy". What also struck me is that all the stuff I want, is ultra expensive and the stuff at "real-world prices" are nothing really spectacular. Even at the low end side of "high-end" gear, I would be laying out considerably more than if I went to Best Buy and bought an All in one system.

So, here is where I am headed. I have put together a pretty nice system, almost entirely found here on Audiogon, over back in the day at Audiomart. I scored my amps which retail for $13,000 for $4000. My speakers retailed for $7500 and I got em for $1500. My turntable was $500, which retail was $2500. If, I bought a new $500 turntable, I would get like a Music Fidelity MF, entry level one.

if you bought most of your system used, if you had to start from square one and had to buy Full retail, would you still be into this hobby?

Entry level high end gear really does not interest me. it lacks pizzaz, like the Avid Reference has. For what I paid for my AudioLogic tube DAC, I could only afford a Mid-level Marantz. I beleive I would still be a Music lover, but if forced to spend Full retail for high end gear, I think I would opt for mass market mid-fi, or simply do a laptop based digital system through a mass market company.
If you had to pay full retail, would you...???

Would I be in this hobby? No

Would I still listen to music? Yes

I would just some mid-fi rig and live on in oblivion, not knowing what to do with all of my extra time and money.

Yes, I 'save' money by shopping here, just like my wife 'saves' money when she goes out shopping. :)

To be honest though, I probably wind up spending more $$$ to get a better deal. If you're saving 40/50/60%, the more you spend the more you save. If your paying 100%, you're not saving anything, so there is no temptation to 'save' (or spend) more.
Man, that Music Direct catalog is like audiophile pornography. I love looking at it, but I can't imagine buying much of that gear at full list price. Someone must be, right? Does anyone know if they, or Acoustic Sounds, will discount if you call them?
Audiogon allows wonderful things to happen for all of us at less than list. Remember list is usually a manufacturers "sugested" list price. Merely a sugestion, and rarely attainable (or realistic) in our supply/demand/competitive economics. I believe what things sell for is what they are worth; not what the manufacturer says they are worth. A product will get what the market will bear, regarless of the price on it. And that is what it is worth to me...warren :)
Though I can't forsee any circumstance where I would be unable to get a reasonable discount on equipment, I would definitely not pay retail. Still, even a decent discount from retail won't get you nearly as much bang for your buck as AudiogoN.
I'm quite comfortable paying full retail for the gear I buy from my local dealer. He's one of those rara aves who has complete integrity, stands behind everything he sells and has the technical backup to fix it if something goes wrong. He also has proven to have the insight and experience needed to make recommendations that are good both for my system and my tastes. The hobby isn't just about buying and selling components. Helping a dealer make a living in return for a solid set of tangible and intangible value-adds beyond the moment of sale has a great deal of value for me.

It doesn't take many "discount mistakes" to offset the cost of a paying a good dealer his markup.