I like it, and yet it disgusts me. Plus, I don't like paying PPV prices when I already feel that Comcast is ripping me off on my regular monthly fees. I think just watching some of the better Kung Fu movies is good entertainment, as Mr. Tennis suggested. I just saw Jet Li's "Fearless," and liked it a lot, although it was very sad at times.
When I was younger, I took Kung Fu for a couple of years and enjoyed it quite a bit, especially practicing the various animal forms and the free sparring. We were allowed to make hard contact to the body, but not to punch or kick to the face, groin, or knees. I went into a Kung Fu tournement once and was surprised at how brutal it was. And still, the UFC allows much more brutality than that.
Personally, I think you have to be a little crazy to compete in the UFC arena... I'd never consider doing so, but it is occasionally fun to watch. My wife, on the other hand will not watch anything that bloody and brutal (can't say I blame her). She probably thinks I have a screw loose for doing so, and I can't argue with her on that one.