Selling to someone in another country

I notice a lot of listings say US only. What are the problems selling to someone in other than the US?
It's more work to deal internationally, and perhaps more risk. I will do it, but insist on a premium handling charge on top of the normal shipping (usually $10-$15) which doesn't come close to paying for my extra time, but does help.
Lots of reasons not to.

PayPal fees are higher for international. Shipping is higher. Lots more paperwork. Usually the seller must fib (lie) about value of item so the buyer avoids duties, so cannot insure for full value, and the ethics of it all stink.

A seller usually never charges enough to offset the extra expenses and time involved. The first time you do an overseas/border transaction you will feel "burned" as the seller. You will not charge the extra $$$ upfront for the additional costs and hassle involved.

That said, I have sold overseas or to Canada 3 times with positive results to trusted Audiogon members, and can recommend it, but it is always a worrisome experience (i.e. did I get the address right, did it get through customs, etc.)
I've bought and sold several items from and to Canadian Audiogoners and the transactions went very smoothly. I would not hesitate to deal with those gentlemen again anytime.

With regard to Europe and the Far East, I have not been able to close a deal with anyone yet, and the shipping cost is a definite barrier to making a deal.

Thank you for your response:
Nigeria is OK...anywhere else I would be suspect.

I just got a couple of emails from Nigeria asking for my PayPal information and confirmation of my banking information. Fortunately after reading your post I did not hesitate to forward my information to the gentleman who ask for this.

He was very pleasant, lots of "Sirs" and "thank you's, but seemed to be in a real hurry to make purchases I was offering.

It appears that I came across as SO trustworthy, he is sending me EXTRA money for the deal and after I cash the check for my part and ship the goods, I forward the balance to a friend he owes money to.

It makes me warm all over to think this total stranger would trust me all that cash. It's almost restores my faith in mankind and the internet.
I cannot understand what seems to be the problem. I am from Canada and have made well over 20 purchases from Agon members from the US without any concerns. All members have been an absolute pleasure to deal with. I pay the shipping, taxes and duties that result from crossing the border. The shipping is paid upfront obviously, and, I pay for any additional fees on my end. The seller has their money for the item and shipping before sending, I pay the rest. Am I missing something? I have sold to the US, is the paperwork that difficult to fill out? I prefer to use USPS where possible (if the item is of low value) as UPS etc. charges a hefty brokerage fee. I will use UPS in cases of valuable items. Please do not discount Canadian buyers. I certainly would not have the system I have without the help of the US Agon members. Thanks again everyone!