Does Shunyata Hydra sound best with just one unit

I'm curious if the Shunyata Hydra power conditioners sound better with just one component plugged into them? When I plug more than one component into my PS Audio Ultimate Outlets and PS Audio UPC 200's the sound becomes more congested, there's less resolution and the fatigue factor increases. Sadly, I suspect it's universal that power cords function better when they're not being hogged by two or more components. Here I am with all this PS Audio conditioning equipment and I'm only using one outlet in each of them. Is it possible there's a conditioner on the market which will allow me to use several of my components without compromising sound?
Tvad - Hello I currently own one Hydra 6.

Have my preamp,dac, transport, tuner,turntable all plugged into a Hydra. I also have a Macintosh MC-602 power amp. This power amp is 175lbs of sheer 600W power and has tremendous ampage output.

Tvad, I am thinking about getting another Hydra.

Will a Hydra support my MAC602 power amp?? Am I better off splitting up what I have in my first Hydra . Or leave everything plugged into the first Hydra and plug just my MAC amp into the second Hydra??
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In regards to the Hydra could it support a Threshold SA/4e power amplifier? The ratings on the Threshold is 30amps continuous and 130 amps peak?
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I think the 30A/130A current of the SA4e is probably the output current capacity of the amp, not the input from the wall.
If you can plug the Threshold into a regular wall outlet, it should work fine on the Hydra.
I plugged two Krell monoblocks into a Hydra 8 without any problems but I didn't like the sound.