Are you at this point??

As I perused the Ads, as I do on an daily basis (sometimes hourly), it occurred to me that absolutely nothing interests me or motivates me to upgrade...For the first time in my audio life, I feel I am DONE! I am so content with my current set up ..after 15 years of messing with it it should be.

The set up:

Speakers: Verity Audio Parsifal Ovations (in the big leaf maple)

Front End: Naim CDX2/XPSII

Pre: Pass Labs X1

Amps: NuForce Reference SEs

Cables: Crystal Cable References

Power Cables: Crystal Cable Reference and Cardas Golden Cross

Misc: Symposium Svelte Shelves and pucks.

If you are at the end of your upgrade path, chime in!
The next step is painful $$$ and I'm sure you have been through tons of equipment as I have...and you know that you could quickly make your nice sound rig sound bad and then chase the audiofool rabbit of equipment changes again.

Pretty funny about the scanning.. it's a disease and your not alone...

You need to take some time to enter your system and post some pictures so we can check out excellent system.
Yeah, I'm done. Wanna sell me your XPS2 so I can mate it with my CDX2? Oops, there I go again. Forget I said that.
I'm SLOWLY getting to that point. When I first started this journey - and journey is the destination - I had cast a really wide net. Everything was game, solid state, tube, SACD, CD, any type of speaker, cable etc.

I've since established a certain direction that I enjoy: Analog (I don't even own a CDP), SET and single driver speakers. Now, my tweaking is within that universe. It's certainly slowed down and it'll probably be some time before I make a major adjustmet but, that is more a financial constraint than discipline or satisfaction.

And I admit it, I do NOT just enjoy music. I enjoy the hands on equipment part of this hobby.
Nice feeling, isn't it!? Enjoy while it lasts. I feel the same, my main system has been static for 8 months now. After the Pipedreams everything just fell into place.

It's possible I may swap some cable in and out, however I'm completely satisfied with the sound I'm getting at this point, and for me...that's good.

Lots of equipment rolled in and out of here the last 15 years :-/


Paul :-)