Audiophile movie

Last night I was cruising through many threads, including the "What is the craziest design?" thread. somewhere I saw a wonderful movie about audiophiles, I think made by the Athens audiophile society. This morning I can not find the link. Could someone please direct me to the appropriate link?
I enjoyed that one too.

Just search "Audiophile" on and you'll see it. My company is filtering Youtube from our options so, I can't get you the exact link, sorry.

Happy (watching) Listening!
As far as crazy and such---I watched the auto auctions on the Speed channel. 5 mil for a Shelby Cobra?? I suddenly feel almost normal; and at least I use my stuff everyday.
Thanks everyone. The link msgarth cites brings you right to the movie. I think it is a "must see" for everyone on a'gon. To me the film is very touching. The quote "the speakers dont disapear, I disapear and there is only music" is very grasshoper and says it all about the quest.
Fabulous. Did as much to capture the enthusiasm and the reason for the passion- the love of music- as it did to make these guys seem a little out of the mainstream. Yet, it did not mock them for it.
Man, the jacquelyn du pre Elgar, listened to it the other night on my rig, such a loss.
Thanks for that. I really enjoyed watching it.
WOW! That was an excelent documentary. Hollywood could sorely use some people like this guy.