Shunyata V Ray

Anyone own one of these? If so how does it compare to the Hydra 8?
new HYDRA «V RAY»,any listening ?
Anybody had listened to the new HYDRA V RAY at an MSRP of 4000$ ?
I saw it on music direct an it is suppose to be an improvement over the former HYDRA 8...
Any comment about this new line conditioner...
Roccl007 (Threads | Answers)

I already upgraded from the HYDRA 8. After 2 weeks I feel my system's noise floor has again been lowered and the bass is tighter. Imaging is also more focused. It basically took what the HYDRA 8 was doing to the next level.
OK, They almost doubled the price on this unit. My question to Analogtroll. Was it worth it?