Shunyata V Ray

Anyone own one of these? If so how does it compare to the Hydra 8?
OK, They almost doubled the price on this unit. My question to Analogtroll. Was it worth it?
At this point there is no way I can improve my system by 100%. That being said, the system is more quiet and the sound stage more defined. I guess there is 20 to 25 % improvemet in those areas. With the law of diminishing returns, I think that's pretty good.
I just replaced my Hydra-8 by the Hydra V-Ray. My immediate impressions are,
same as those of analogtroll, though I will venture to say that I feel improvement of around 35%. Maybe my power supply is lot more dirtier and V-Ray turns out to be more effective in this case.

Analogtroll: Any experience with the breakin/runin of the unit.
This is a really beautiful power supply. Now, I have to figure out if I can afford it?