HiFi-Tuning German fuses opinion

I want to know if anybody tried and recomend to upgrade standar fuses and move to HIFI Tuning Silver/Gold. Please let me know your opinion and in which components do you really recomend to put them or in which ones you listened the differences.
Althought they are not expensive (for an audio accesories) and donĀ“t want to spend my money for nothing.
Elduende, if you decide to buy a new hi-end fuse try this before installing it.

Remove the current fuse, wipe the tips clean, and re-install it. See if that alone provides some improvement. Then, try the new fuse and see what you hear.

My guess is that in many cases, just cleaning the current fuse contacts accounts for most or all of the improvement. However, since most don't try this two step process, they attribute all of the change mistakenly to the new fuse.
Hmmmmm. yes I have been following this tube-thing and I suppose I will try it and my not-so-audiophile ears might hear the change.

The real test is when the wife comes home and asks 'what did I do, now....' as in when I roll tubes.
Zargon makes good sense. I should have mentioned that in my post, since cleaning up th existing fuse ends got me halfway there and, in fact, suggested that trying a couple of the HiFi Tuning fuses was worth the cost and effort.