I can't help but wonder, if MP3/Ipod and Home Theatre (or the perception of what "home theatre" really is, after all anybody can buy a HTinabox to lay claim to membership) has marginalized HiFi as some kind of obsolete past time pursued by people who are out of touch with the (current) times.
Lets face it, if one didn't know better, spending vasts amounts of money for phonographs, tube gear and analog tuners, that require a great deal of maintance (comparatively), and require one to be seated in specific isolation, limit access to the very thing they seek out (music) and require one to rummage through garage sales to find the necessary NOS tubes and LP's may not be too appealing to the new generation, that can get what they want, any time they want, where ever they want. We may be facing the crossroads of convience vs. quality.
Lets face it, if one didn't know better, spending vasts amounts of money for phonographs, tube gear and analog tuners, that require a great deal of maintance (comparatively), and require one to be seated in specific isolation, limit access to the very thing they seek out (music) and require one to rummage through garage sales to find the necessary NOS tubes and LP's may not be too appealing to the new generation, that can get what they want, any time they want, where ever they want. We may be facing the crossroads of convience vs. quality.