How fair is this?

I just noticed a interesting auction. The seller states that his item is listed on both Audiogon and Ebay. And which ever site gets the highest bid, wins. Maybe its just me, but I am hoping he gets no bids on either site.
Sendtaylor99; Practically, I agree with your perspective of the situation. My point was in principal.

What if both auctions end at the same price with two different people "winning"?
Pawlowski6132, then we split the baby in halves. The first winner gets first choice of halves.....................Or does it now become a Dutch Auction?...............HHHMMM?
Well, the seller just ended the auction on Ebay. It doesn't say why. He had four offers, two of which were declined, so who knows.

This one just ended as well So who's the lucky winner and at what price?:


I guess that if you end both auctions early, you're not contractually bound to either auction. You can then cherry-pick the list of interested bidders to find the top acceptable offer.

Effective, but shady?
I sell on eBay from time to time, and it is clearly spelled out not to do this... someone needs to report this if it has not already been done