I happen to live near a lot of high end stores.
To me, it is sort of a chore to go there. I can best compare it as going into a Ferarri dealer. At Ferarri dealers, they have more customers than cars, so sales people don't do much and have no incentive to reach out to all of their customers. They make their bread and butter with just a few customers, and of course, the cars are ultra-expensive.
At my local dealer, I walk in, get the once over, and there is always that assesment when the salesperson makes his assumpution that I am not loaded. I feel like an unwelcome visitor at this point. Plus, even if they sell used pieces they are being sold at prices which are ultra-expensive, comapared to what you can get it here at Agon for.
So, I agree with Taters, I can get what I need with a few clicks of my keyboard and the item shows up on my doorstep.