Regardless of how much you've spent...

do you like or love this hobby? in one form or another, I've been reading about audio for almost 17 years without a break. I have 17 years of continuous thoughts running around in my brain. When I go to bed, I dream about it, I click on all the webzines every day(even on my Sony PSP)and before I go to bed.
What say you?
About 38 years for me, and I still love the hobby. I left most of the audiophile thing, and the recordings that go with it, along with the never ending upgrades many years ago.

If there's something I want, say, speakers or a cdp, then I'll have brain-lock until I satisfy the want. But I don't want, much. Not like I used to. No, I keep my gear for long spells, highly polished and tightly tweaked, so I can devote more and more time to walking in the woods, laughing and enjoying the fresh air.

It's a new day. It's all about pace. Audiogon is the only site I visit anymore--about 10-15 hits a day!-- though I might cruise the manufacturer's sites just to keep up to date. But that's it, nothing more, just a change, a different point of view. I've renewed old friendships, bought new clothes. Anymore, if I stop by the audio store, it's a weekend thing, always with the family, and only if we're in the area, like for groceries. I can't tell you how much I enjoy the crunch of Lexapro and Clonazepam in the morning.

You now you aren't supposed to chew those right??

For me it's been an obsession for over 30 years starting with my first integrated amp... a Pioneer 60 Watt model in silver brused aluminum with two huge vu meters... WOW was I happening with that! Well, it stills goes strong today, actually far stronger as the finances are more prevelant.

How sick am I?? Well, I am on my second HD DVD player and have Blu-ray players in several rooms of my home, the wife can even compare the two formats and fortunately doesn't mind the entire back bedroom (though she will whe we get guests) being full of my 'extra' audio gear....

Yes I know I have a problem but I can't find any decent eleven step programs....