After reading some of the other responses I have some follow up comments.
I have never, ever been exposed to any biasing which could even tangentially be associated with advertising
at all. Never. I review products that have appealed to me is some way, I contact the company and make the arrangements. I dont even know if they are a supporter or advertiser of the mag. Heck, they may hate us for all I know. This may sound bad, but I have contacted companies only be told that I already have sent XYZ to ABC at your mag for his review!
I agree, reviewing is a form of entertainment. It is not meant to the definitive word. Our magazine tries to get multiple reviewers review the same product. I recall that I loved the Reference 3A MM Di Cappo (which became my reference for a long time) while at the same time the other reviewer didn't care for them at all. (and said as much)
Next, most reviewers are unpaid volunteer hobbyists audiophiles just like you. Like you, we are looking for the best sound, in "our" room, within our budget. What we have over you, is that we can go through several products, keep them for months AND then decide if it is right for "us". Why would anyone of us buy a product just because we got a deal on it when, chances are, we could get a similar deal on the product we actually want!? When a reviewer buys a product you can be sure that they really like it and it meets their predilections in their price range.
Finally, do read between the lines. I know when there is something I do not like about a product; I say so, albeit in a low key and non-product-bashing way. Mainly because, as I said above, most products are generally very good and because of one issue I may have, that is no reason to toss out the baby with the bath water.