Listening chair?

I'm in the process of completing my listening room and would like some suggestions for a chair. I've heard that fabric is good is it will help absorb some of the high frequencys. Also, the seat back shouldn't be higher than one's ears and the chair should place your ears at the same level as the tweeters.

I like the looks of several home theater-style chairs, but they always seem to come in leather (which I don't want). Also, they can cost close to $2k. I'd prefer to spend no more than $1k. Any favorite brands? Thanks.

I started using the Ekornes Stressless for listening in 1968. I paid $199 for it. It is still used by my daughter. I presently have a crappy copy but seldom use it. I do use a handmade cherry rocker which has my ears just above the headrest. But I seldom have my head back that far. It is very good for my back but no better than the Stressless, except that I fall to sleep less in it. I don't like the wooden base on the new Stressless chairs. Mine was the chrome steel base.
Fjn04, I cannot find the Morris Bow Arm chair on Relax the Back. Did you buy it long ago?
I love my Ekornes Stressless chair. There are very many styles and sizes to choose from. Unfortunately, some stores only have a small sample of the styles and sizes.
The two that Relax the back retail store had were:

1)Backsaver Zero gravity (Mike and I have the Delta model)
recliner. There is also an Alpha model as well as a
powered version. MY Delta has the viscose fill option.
Its so comfortable I would set an alarm before each side
of your record ends.
2)The competing brand is the Interactive Health
perfect chair. I pulled both of these out of my
2003 relax the back retail catalog. I checked out
their website and they only seem to list the Perfect
chair so they may no longer carry the Backsaver ZG.
Fjn04, I found the Backsaver, but is Mike's chair not the Morris Box Arm chair?