Mapleshade brass tubedampers

Just wondering if anyone has used these,I would like to know what effect they have on the sound.Also how do they compare to others.Thinking about trying some in my preamp.Also you are welcome to comment on ease of use ect.
I don't need to make them. I already own them. I just don't use them any more. Lord knows I gave them a good shot.
Mapleshade is famous for pursuing sonics to the exclusion of logistics and, understandably, many users. I've never had a problem with them but it takes a certain kind of person to be willing to deal with them.
Well, I'm surprised to say this, but (1) I have been using the Mapleshade tube dampers for over 6 months now, (2) I still haven't broken any of my tubes and (3) on balance I actually like the effect they have, though I find the effect to be similar to Andy Bouwman's (Vintage Tube Services) octal tube dampers, more so than Mapleshade might believe. I think that they do tend towards making the sound a little on the bright side (compared to undamped tubes), though I have found this to be the case with all tube dampers I have used; that is my main reservation about them outside of their logistics. I think that being made of brass they should in theory ring more than a lead or O-ring damper, but the sheer mass of these things offsets that, and I don't really like an over-damped sound that much anyway. I will point out that these things do get really hot to the touch, bear that in mind if you try them.
Has anyone tried MapleShade dampers -- or any other dampers -- on 6H30 tubes? I have an ARC Ref 3 and I'd like some indication of what to expect from anyone who has done the experiment of replacing the stock dampers with MapleShade, or other dampers. . . or removed dampers all together.
IME, the sound should get less hashy,with cleaner, tighter bass, and more natural tranparancy and warmth. Bear in mind that some dampers, Mapleshade included, act as shields that you can ground which adds (or subtracts actually) another dimension.