joy killing refridgerator

How many of you actually have to turn the friggen thing off.Just bought brand one new hoping it would be quieter....wrong.Oh well just curious what others experiences are.
I like this. Friends co workers, and relatives just dont get it. Where I use to live I had a dedicated room. Next to it was the kitchen. The fridge was on the opposite wall. It was as far from the sound room as possible and I could still hear it. The furnace was a problem electrically and wind noise.Both were shut off when I listened to music. Thanks for bringing this up digsmithd. Neat to see there are others out there that get irritated with the same things I do when it comes to listening to music. I have since built a house. the sound room is in the basement but the walls and cieling will have to be disconnected from the floor truss because of the foot step noise from up stairs. Once that is done I think I will have a very quite room.This winter I plan on putting my room and system on Audiogon and share what I did and learned. A quite room is important to me whether I'm listening or not. I agree with the outside noise also. Lawn mowers, snowblowers, car radios wind chimes and more. I'm pulling for you were all in this together.
The stereo room has an open wall to the kitchen. The fridge is 20' away. I wish it were 200'. Planning to erect a glass wall with a glass pocket door to alleviate the noise. To afraid to turn the fridge breaker off since I may forget to turn it back on.
My refrigerator is pretty noisy too. If it bugs me too much I just unplug it. It seems even louder during the summer months when the room temperature is a bit higher.
The new refridgerators are noiser than the old ones. As mentioned by Peterd the new LG's are quite quiet.